That is a question I have been asked quite often from people in and outside of the ministry. For some reason, sometimes there is an assumption that 29eleven is only for people who are not in a relationship/engaged or they do not need 29eleven anymore because they are in a relationship....that couldn't be further from the truth because I encourage you couples to come and want you couples to come.
I then ask all of us to answer this question in return, "what is the primary purpose of 29eleven?"......If it is to be a buffet where we go to pick from the best foods available because we are hungry, or a speed dating circuit disguised under a little bit of Jesus, or like the old TV show Love Connection where I am the host of the show and I exist to pair people off (I do have some ideas btw :), then you should probably stop coming if you are in a relationship because mission accomplished..... your view of this ministry was skewed and you were here for the wrong were seeking first your kingdom not God's Kingdom (Matthew 6) and it appears your kingdom came.
However, if you believe that 29eleven exists:
*To have fellowship with others in the same stage of life and age
*To have a great place where we can be on mission together to bring friends/coworkers and also reach those who need Jesus who show up to events or Bible study and this is a great vehicle (as a couple now) to do all that
*To provide accountability and friends that will challenge us in our walks in becoming more like our Lord and Savior as we strive for purity, unity, and God's direction
*To have people in this group observe, pray for, and help us in our relationships
*To give an avenue to grow in God's word, discernment, truth, and worship him and discuss Him together now as a couple.
If we believe 29eleven exists for those reasons and more, then I believe the question will not be "should I continue coming to 29eleven?", but rather "why would I stop coming here?" because this is about Jesus and now is the time to continue being faithful and hear from God, others who love me, and have this relationship be centered around Him not us..."
In summary everyone, if we feel we do not belong here anymore, we are wrong. If we view this ministry solely or primarily as a means to our marriage desire ends, then the answer to the title question of this blog if we are in a relationship might be NO. However if we see this ministry as a means to grow in Jesus in all areas of our life, then the answer is "of course" because this is a ministry that will help relationships grow the right way, set patterns that the world doesn't revolve around the relationship or stop now that we are in one, and will provide another great avenue to hear and discuss God's word/be on mission together thus building a spiritual climate and relationship centered on God's kingdom coming, not ours...
Sorry gang for the long overdue response to this question I get quite often...I am pro relationships and marriage in 29eleven and am praying God fulfills the natural and expected desire for marriage if you have it so if and when the relationship comes... now you know, 29eleven is for you and wants you so come one, come two, just don't come once you say I do!