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Monday, January 25, 2010

Preparing for Battle!

I remember the scene in the beginning of Rambo (yes Rambo not knock American iconic movies of the 80's) when the one man annihilation machine, John Rambo, was getting ready to be inserted into the jungles of Vietnam to rescue fellow P.O.W's and they show good ole J.R. putting face paint on, getting decked out in his fatigues, strapping on his 4 foot survival knife, grabbing his assault rifles, grenades, and anything else he could get his rugged hands on that would go was a great scene that was to portray to us that a war was coming and our hero Rambo was gearing up for up.

Too many of us Christians, in my opinion, fail to see our lives like John Rambo did. He had a purpose and mission and that mission was to go to war with the enemy so he could save lives. He knew bullets would fly and opposition would be consistent and fierce so he prepared for it because lives were at stake. We, those who are followers/soldiers of Christ, need to understand we are in a battle every day and it isn't of flesh and blood but as we learned at Bible study, a battle of a spiritual nature against Satan, demons, and wicked forces that are looking to devour, derail, and defeat us daily!

It is our responsibility as servants of Christ to put on the full armor of God so we can stand firm in the faith and withstand the devil as Paul states in Ephesians 6. I want to implore all of us to realize that souls are lost in Fort Collins and we have a job to do as ambassadors of Christ armed with a message of hope and reconciliation to fight the good fight and take this message into every sphere of influence we have!

Come join us Monday nights as we discuss spiritual warfare, Satan and his schemes, demons and their powers, and how to put on this armor of God to fight the good fight....



Christ Chosen Ambassadors Ministry said...

Spiritual warfare is the best tool for evangelism. As true ambassadors of Christ we have to arm ourselves with heavenly weapon, the Word of God. True faith comes from the Word of God. Jesus has defeated the devil, disarmed him and made a public show of him. As a true ambassador of Christ, arm yourself with the Word and claim your victory

Christ Chosen Ambassadors Ministry said...

Spiritual warfare is the best tool for evangelism. As true ambassadors of Christ we have to arm ourselves with heavenly weapon, the Word of God. True faith comes from the Word of God. Jesus has defeated the devil, disarmed him and made a public show of him. As a true ambassador of Christ, arm yourself with the Word and claim your victory