Bible Study Location

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Sunday, August 10, 2008

Elitch Gardens!

Why they call it that, I have no idea. I could be wrong, but people I talk to don't go down there to see the pretty lilies and blossoming perennials. And what or who is Elitch? Or is it Elitches? haha! Anyway, here are a few pictures from the recent fun day at Elitch Gardens:

I wonder if Mike got in trouble for reading the sign! Thankfully, before posting this pic, we obtained permission from the Elitch Garden Private Sign Commission (EGPSC).

Yes, it was an interesting day. The screaming started long before stepping foot onto a roller coaster.

The infamous log ride! Where's the magical Shamwow! when you need one?

For some reason after leaving for the day, Nikki kept asking Riqui if they could get a pony.

This picture taken just before the launch... calm and peaceful Mike A. would instantly be changed into a hysteric, screaming, crazy man. We love Mike!

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