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Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Sex: 5 Purposes of God's Design in Marriage

A few weeks back, we talked about the purpose of sex. Here’s a recap of some of the discussion…

Having a proper view of sex will help us to guard against sexual temptation as we strive for purity. As we established early in our study, purity is not the ultimate goal, Jesus is. Purity is a path to Jesus, an avenue of being closer to Him. And as we become closer to Him, we will experience true joy that can only be found in the Creator of the universe.

When we understand the purpose of sex as God designed it and follow His plan in obedience, we will be better equipped to guard purity in our lives. For those who will someday be married, this study will help lay a foundation for the future. Cultivating intimacy in marriage begins now through purity and respecting God’s boundaries as a single. It is important to remember that God is not the enemy of pleasure, He is the Creation of it. When He says “No” to something, He is really saying “Yes” to something much better!

Here are 5 purposes in God’s design of sex:

1) Procreation
In Genesis 1:28, God said, “Be fruitful and increase in number…” Without sex, the human race would quickly become extinct! Mentioned in an earlier post, God could have created procreation as boring as a sneeze or He could have created a parthenogenetic (asexual) human race that reproduces completely autonomously. But because God is good, He created sex as a gift to be enjoyed with another person in the confines of marriage…

2) Enjoyment/Pleasure
There is an entire book in the Bible dedicated to the enjoyment of sex. Children are not mentioned in Song of Solomon… nope, not once. Also, if God had created sex just for procreation, He would have designed the human anatomy quite differently! In Proverbs 5, husbands are actually commanded to enjoy the body of their wife. Yes, sex was hand-crafted by the Lord created for the enjoyment of a husband and wife.

3) Oneness
When a man and woman marry, God joins the couple into “one” flesh. The picture is one of permanency. It bonds two people. Sex was created to be an agent of joining two into one. It helps to create a “glue” in a relationship that bonds them together emotionally. Marriage is a covenant that can be very difficult, but God’s gift of sex brings two people together emotionally, helping them to continue in their commitment to God and each other.

This emotional connection is so deep, it is also physical. Dr. Stephen Arterburn said, “When a man or woman reaches sexual excitement, nerve endings release a chemical into the brain called ‘opioid.’ ‘Opioid’ means opium-like and is a good description of the power of this chemical. This is a wonderful thing in a committed marriage relationship, because it helps to bond two people together and bring joy to living together and building a relationship.”

Mark Driscoll continues this thought, “A married couple with a free and frequent sex life are literally bonded together as one, physically and chemically, by God’s design. This oneness is expressed in such things as having one last name, living in one house, sleeping in one bed, attending one church, sharing one bank account, and worshiping one God.”

Do you see why sexual involvement outside of marriage is SO serious? It has the power to bond two people emotionally to the point of them continuing in sin, rather than pursuing purity. They foolishly convince themselves that their physicality is evidence of their love, rather than the fruit of their selfishness and lust.

4) Protection from sin
A healthy sex life can actually guard the married couple from falling into temptation. Paul explains in 1 Corinthians 7 that the husband’s body is not his own and the wife’s body is not her own… they are to lovingly seek to satisfy the other sexually with their bodies. This helps to serve the other in guarding against sexual or emotional temptation. Mark Driscoll says, “If one person feels sexually denied and discouraged, it increases the temptation to wander outside the marriage for sexual satisfaction or remain sexually pure but emotionally bitter. But free and frequent sex within marriage helps safeguard and protect the marriage from such sins as bitterness, adultery, pornography, and secret masturbation.”

5) To picture the intimate union of Christ and the church
This point cannot be overlooked! The whole picture of marriage is to signify the relationship of Jesus and the church (believers). Jonathan Edwards said that all of life was to serve as visible portraits of invisible realities. The imagery of marriage is to represent the unconditional, sacrificial, and faithful love of God for His people (this is one reason He hates divorce. It is not an accurate picture of His relentless love for us- study the book of Hosea). The oneness that sex creates for the married couple is a type (or picture) of the oneness that we have with God in Christ. Jesus lived the perfect life, taking on flesh to die for our sins so that we could be reconciled to God (2 Corinthians 5:21, Romans 5:10). Reconciliation unites us to God, creating fellowship that was once broken by sin.

Now get this: sex in marriage is essentially the gospel message! But let’s be cautious before we take that thought too far… sex is not to be elevated as a god, but it is a picture of something greater. Even Paul said this concept is difficult to understand. In Ephesians 5:32, he called it a “profound mystery.” Jonathan Edwards also said, “Christ is united to you by a spiritual union, so close as to be fitly represented by the union of the wife to the husband.” The experience of sex within marriage can help one to better grasp the depth of their spiritual union with Christ. In his book, Sex, Dating, and Relationships, Gerald Hiestand says, “The marriage union is not simply a legal union or a social union, a financial union or a familial union, bur rather a union of bodies, a sharing of physical life. Through sex, two people are joined together in the deepest and most wonderful way—so much so that they are said to become one… sexual oneness within marriage was created by God to serve as a foreshadowing of the spiritual oneness that would exist between Christ and His church.”

Again, you may be wondering, “Why all of this talk about sex… especially for a single’s group?!” Glad you asked. ;-) As mentioned before, if we can have a healthy, biblical view of God’s gift of sex, we will better learn to respect God’s boundaries in purity both in our private lives and in our relationships. Our discussion of sex is not so we can focus all of our attention on this topic. The focus should not be on the gift, but on the gift-Giver! When we see God for who He is, we will understand and believe that fulfillment in life can only come by having a right relationship with Him.


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